Saturday, June 28, 2008

The Story of DHM408B

some time in life there's up and down, just like scoring an 8/40 for your math test paper

but there's always friends around you to cheer you UP!

there are so sweet like a feast of desert spreading wide on your dinning table!


some time they are so irritating like a pass by monster

you wish to kick them away!

some how your heart will tell you " would you bare to kick your cute classmate away?" when you know that they are part of your life and everyone shares the: laughter, joy, happiness, angry and tears together.

Whenever you see a star

you will always remember one thing. "That night when everyone gather together under the bright shining moon and we make a wish

that may DHM408B will always be together like a BIG WARM HAPPY FAMILY"

This is special delicated to DHM408B which include jocelyn and shi jie! Once a family will always be part of this family!


Sun Lee Shan Shan (Mafia)

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